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Our Curriculum
The curriculum is based on Reggio Emilia's approach and uses an even mix of academic-based and play-based activities to develop cognitive, social, and physical skills. We offer full-time, part-time before and after-school programs' school and Homework assistance. We now use Creative Curriculum.
What Is Reggio Emilia Approach?
The Reggio Emilia approach believes that parents and the wider community have collective responsibility of children. It is an inclusive, village-style approach that engages children, parents and the community as all being essential components to the learning process.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".
Nelson Mandela
What exactly is play-based learning?
Play-based learning is a type of early childhood education based on child-led and open-ended play. If you’re picturing preschoolers finger painting or ‘playing house’, you’re spot on.
Play itself is a voluntary, enjoyable activity with no purpose or end goal. Believe it or not, activities like this lay the foundation for a child to become a curious and excited learner later in life. Play-based learning helps children develop social skills, motivation to learn, and even language and numeracy skills. Taking initiative, focused attention, and curiosity about the world are all a part of play.
Elements of play-based learning
Play-based learning includes the following elements:
Self-chosen: A child voluntarily chooses to play, how they’ll play, and for how long. An adult may initiate play insofar as he or she invites or suggests play but the child determines the rest.
Enjoyable: Play is enjoyable for the child. This emotional aspect is important. There may be some frustrations or disagreements during play but overall it’s pleasurable.
Unstructured: A child has ample time to explore and discover during play. They’re directed by their interests, not by any prescribed rules or plans.
Process-oriented: There is no end or learning goal. Instead, it’s the process of play that’s important.
Make-believe: Play often involves imagination, ‘make-believe’, or ‘playing pretend’.
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